You may not be aware that maltodextrin is the main component in almost all weight-gain products and supplements and comes in handy for individuals who need to gain more mass and weight such as ectomorphs. A lot of weight-gain supplements contain a lot of calories to help individuals move up in terms of weight and muscle and consume more than their average dietary intake without having to eat so much in several meals daily.
It has a significant effect on the enzymatic process which allows individuals to perform better during exercise as well as bulk up on much needed muscle mass. This natural ingredient is highly useful especially for athletes and bodybuilders without the risk of side effects.
Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate that greatly helps individuals perform better and last longer to cope with the demands of heavily strenuous activities. Maltodextrin supplements are usually added to beverages in order to quickly replenish carbohydrate stores that may have been depleted during exercise. The ingredient is a very convenient energy source that facilitates rapid delivery and absorption of important nutrients by muscle tissues. Muscle glycogen can instantly be replaced during or after exercise.
The fine white powder has a bland taste and mixes very well with different types of liquids. It also helps improve the ability of protein powders to mix with other liquids as well as increasing protein synthesis which is why we highly recommend taking it with your Fossell-Fuel Whey Protein.
For a perfect carbohydrate blend consider mixing it with Fossell-Fuel Dextrose at a 1:1 ratio (e.g. 30g : 30g)
For a perfect well rounded bulking blend mix with Fossell-Fuel Dextrose and Fossell-Fuel Whey Protein at a 1:1:1 ratio
(e.g. 30g : 30g : 30g)